วันเสาร์ที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550


The uniqueness of knowledge management in small companies

Ernesto Villalba 2006

Reason for select this research
-This Research is about competency Development
that is very important for working.
-Also this research give some idea about KM for
life long learning that is very important for learning

Objective of the research

1. Explore through analysis and comparison the knowledge-
Enabling environment in selected companies in education and
2. Explore through analysis and comparison the companies’
Perceived needs for continuous competence development,
Which constitute the companies’ demand for training in selected
Companies in education and consultancy.
3. Explore and analyze the relationship between the knowledge-
Enabling environment and the demand for training in selected
Small knowledge intensive companies in education and

-Understanding Knowledge From A Knowledge Management
-Knowledge, Action and Learning
-Lifelong Learning
-Different Disciplines Contributing to The Field of Knowledge
-Integrated Models of Knowledge Management
-The Knowledge Enabling Environment
-The Learning Arenas

Conceptual Framework
Independent variable
Time Living in Sweden
Year in Company

dependent variable
-Collaborative Climate
-Supervisor’s Role
-Informal learning Activities
-Communication and literacy

Research Methodology

-Document Analysis
-Semi Structured Interview

-Pearson correlations

1. The knowledge-enabling environment

The relationships between the construct indicators of size, stability of the
workforce, experience, and tacit orientation of the recruitment process can be
explained by the service the company provides: consultancy or education.
however, other relationship do not appear to be associated with the company
activity and thus further exploration might be worthwhile. For example, the data
shows that higher stability among employees is associated with lower
communication intensiveness. This can be related to the idea of creative chaos
defended by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995). They suggest that less stability
generates more communication among employees which in turn can create
more innovation and insights. Also interesting to note is that the study indicated
That companies with higher professionalism have less communication among
employees which is in line with the characterization of professional workers
presented by Sveiby (1997). It was also found that having cross-functional teams
And a mentor system is associated with having a higher level of communication
In a company which is in line with Nonaka and Takeuchi’s characterization of a
Knowledge creating company (see Nonaka, 1991, Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995).
The seven constructs for a knowledge-enabling environment have a similar
Distribution in both sectors, or in other words, consultancy and education
Generally have similar knowledge-enabling environments.

2. The learning arenas

The relationship between the knowledge-enabling constructs and the
Knowledge-creation (or learning arenas) indicators is weak. This could in part
Be due to the differences between the consultancy and education sectors.
However, generally, in both sectors the working-environment characteristics
That theoretically promote learning, that is the knowledge-enabling environment
, do not necessarily promote a higher demand for learning. This is contrary to
The primary assumption of this dissertation that the existence of knowledge-
Enabling characteristics will be related to a higher demand for training. On the
Other hand, it also seems that companies that have more stability and more
Experience in their workforce invest more in training. This is in line with previous
Findings on the demand and supply for learning. Also in line with previous
Studies on the demand for learning is that higher IT investment seems to be
Associated with higher levels of training demand and investment in knowledge
Creation activities.

3. The use of knowledge
The result seem to indicate that knowledge-intensive companies
Manage their knowledge in different, unique ways and that there are no strong
Relationship among the different aspects explored. In other words, companies
Differ in their knowledge –enabling environments, which complicate any
Determination as to what extent knowledge –enabling environments affect
The demand for training and knowledge creation. With regard to the sectors,
Education and consultancy, they are relatively similar in their knowledge-
Enabling environments but differ considerably in their knowledge creation
